Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pantry Buster

Wednesday is our delivery day for Fair Shares, our CSA. Its usually a surprise as to what we get but I'm rarely disappointed. Since I know that we are going to be inundated with fresh produce, meat and bread then, I try to take Monday's and Tuesday's as "pantry buster" days.
This means I dig around in the fridge, freezer and cabinets to find whatever is left over and combine it into a meal- or several.
Last night I cheated and we went out to dinner because after hauling a couple kids in a wagon all around the zoo I was done in. I didn't have enough brain cells left to think of dinner, let alone enough energy to cook it.
Tonight we're having spaghetti with garlic bread. I know, real original. But it does get rid of a pound of pork sausage, a pound of pasta and the left over garlic bread from last nights dinner. I will probably sneak in some zucchini and yellow squash too.

1 comment:

Ladybug said...

Dinner sounds really yummy!

I frequently do the pantry buster thing, too.. unfortunately, my household is pickier than yours.